8:00am Check-in and Continental Breakfast

Session One: CalPlug PIER Projects

9:00 – 9:10am Opening remarks
Prof. G.P. Li, Calit2 / CalPlug Director

9:10 – 9:55am Set-top Box energy efficiency
Imagine a world where all STBs go to sleep at less than five watts and wake up in five seconds. CalPlug has made substantial progress on this “5W5s” roadmap with our industry project champions. In spite of ever advancing software, firmware, hardware and chipsets for STBs, the usage pattern and behavior of the users remain a dominant variable for energy consumption, which is integrated in the latest 5W5s solution. Over 50% of energy saving was observed in a long-term laboratory test at CalPlug, thanks to many industry stakeholder’s contribution.

Speakers: Organization:
Arthur Zhang CalPlug
Gary Langille – Presentation Dish Network

9:55 – 10:40am Survey of Computer Power-Management Use
CalPlug’s latest findings will be presented on consumer use of computer power-management settings. The findings are based on an online survey of more than 2,000 staff, students, faculty and retirees at UCI. Respondents’ manual efforts at power management and their automatic settings were considered. The UCI study is one of the few to compare computer use at home with computer use at work for the same population, or to compare the behavior of subgroups within a population. The study will be important input for the CEC’s ongoing consideration of new regulations for computers, so a complementary presentation will cover the many related issues involved and CEC’s process for reaching its decision.

Speakers: Organization:
Joy Pixley CalPlug
Ken Rider California Energy Commission

Mid-morning Break

10:50 – 11:35pm Energy Reporting and Display
If each plug-load device could report its own power use in real time, then managing energy use could be much more effective. It is also crucial to present energy information through the right channel, in the right format, at the right time, and with the right amount. This session will cover ways to achieve self-reporting and to communicate energy consumption and current states among devices and users, while taking into account user behaviors and patterns.

Speakers: Organization:
Zhentao Sun – Presentation CalPlug
Paul Delaney – Presentation CalPlug
Beth Karlin – Presentation UCI

Lunch Break

Session Two: Plug Load Energy Efficiency in the ZNE Picture

1:00 – 1:15pm Overview of California Energy Efficiency Vision
Paula Gruendling, CPUC

1:15 – 2:00pm Existing and Emerging Appliances
Representatives from the consumer electronics industry will discuss their latest initiatives on producing more efficient devices. Emerging categories of plug loads that haven’t penetrated the market yet, such as prototype medical devices, also need to be considered in regards to energy efficiency. In addition, new proposed regulatory initiatives for the emerging plug-in devices will be presented.

Speakers: Organization:
Ken Lowe – Presentation Vizio
Mark Headland CHOC
Pierre Delforge – Presentation NRDC

2:00 – 2 :45pm From Components to Systems: Optimization for Efficiency
Within a plug load device or a networked group of devices, we need to squeeze every drop of efficiency out of components, devices and systems. What new ideas for optimization are emerging?

Speakers: Organization:
Domenico Gelonese – Presentation Embertec
Vojin Zivojnovic – Presentation AGGIOS
Nader Bagherzadeh – Presentation UCI

Mid-afternoon Break

3:00 – 3:45pm Future IT Infrastructure for ZNE Buildings
What decisions can the industry stakeholders make collectively in the future Zero Net Energy (ZNE) IT infrastructure? The Set-top boxes, small network equipment and smart phones are candidates for serving as a network hub of ZNE homes and buildings. Peripheral wired and wireless demand-response control and consumer pattern-recognition devices will further aid in reducing personal energy footprints, providing a more cost-effective ZNE solution. Other options include communication protocols, data structures and storage. Interoperability will be important, between competing systems and between legacy systems and new devices.

Speakers: Organization:
James Spoto Sunrise Micro Devices
Steve Palm – Presentation Broadcom
G.P.Li – Presentation CalPlug

3:45 – 4:30pm Consumer Touch Points

It is important to educate, motivate and incentivize consumers to make informed decisions on their energy usage and choices of plug load devices. In many cases, the device cannot optimize itself for energy efficiency while accommodating the consumer’s preferences. What would be consumer behavior centric human intervention and compliance solutions for plug load efficiency?

Speakers: Organization:
Doug Johnson – Presentation CEA
Marco Levorato – Presentation UCI
Charles Kim – Presentation SCE

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